Offers the most durable, effective and environmentaly-friendly, erosion control revetment methods for fighting severe erosion problems.

Flexible, yet tough, extruded polyethylene mesh designed for installation directly onto existing grass surfaces to reinforce, stabilize and strengthen.

Envirotubes® geocontainment technology delivers solutions for shoreline protection and marine structure construction. From our complete product line, we offer materials that provide smart, cost-effective solutions for the following applications:

Offers the most durable, effective and environmentaly-friendly, erosion control revetment methods for fighting severe erosion problems.
Permeable Solutions
Due to more stricter environmental regulations, Lakey, Inc. can provide and supply several permeable solutions.
• Articulated Concrete Block
• Grass Reinforcement Mesh
• Scour Protection
• Erosion Control Blankets
• Retaining Walls
• Grassy Pavers
• Geotextiles